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Phd4gen speakers: 

  1. Caleb Brooks (Univ. Illinois, USA) – “Foundations of thermal-hydraulics”; “Thermal hydraulic considerations in high-Temperature reactors”
  2. Jerzy Cetnar (Mining Academy (AGH) Kraków, Poland; NCBJ) – “Designing GoHTR using MCB”; “Advanced features of MCB code for designing fo GenIV reactors”
  3. Tom Downar (Univ. Michigan, USA) – “Multi-physics Simulation of High Temperature Gas Reactors​”
  4. Armin Huke (Institut Fuer Festkoerper Physik, Berlin, Germany) – “The Dual Fluid Reactor; components and high-temperature applications”
  5. Sun Jun (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) – “Status of Chinese HTGR Development”
  6. Tomasz Kozłowski (Univ. Illinois, USA; NCBJ) – “Fundamental Theory of Scientific Computer Simulation”
  7. Jaakko Leppanen (VTT, Finland) – “Serpent multi-physics calculations and general HTGR modeling”
  8. Rafael Macian-Juan (TUM Munich, Germany) – “Technology and Applications of Molten Salt Reactors”
  9. Yuji Fukaya (JAEA, Japan) – “The current progress of HTGR program in Japan part I”
  10. Nobuyuki Tanaka (JAEA, Japan) – “The current progress of HTGR program in Japan part II”
  11. Xiang Wang (Harbin Engineering University, China) – “Experiments of the Dual Fluid Reactor”; “Small Modular Dual Fluid Reactor and Future Application”

Allegro speakers: 

  1. Branislav Hatala (VUJE, Slovakia) – “GFR technology and ALLEGRO”
  2. Petr Vácha (ÚJV Řež, Czech Republic) – “ALLEGRO R&D”
  3. Zoltán Hózer (MTA-EK, Hungary) – “ALLEGRO fuel”
  4. Boris Kvizda (VUJE, Slovakia) – “ALLEGRO Thermal-Hydraulics benchmarking”

GEMINI+ speakers:

  1. Dominique Hittner (Consultant indépendant, France) – “Introductory presentation”
  2. John Lillington (UK) – “Process of designing GEMINI+ and the related issues”
  3. Jim Kuijper (NUCLIC, Netherlands) – “GEMINI+ neutronics”
  4. Marek Stempniewicz (NRG, Netherlands) – “Thermal-hydraulic model, accident scenario DLOFC”
  5. Olivier Baudrand (RSN, France) – “HTR safety and licensing”
  6. Finis Southworth (USA) – “US activities on HTGR technology, the fuel qualification programme AGR, Framatome SC-HTGR highlights”
  7. Michał Gatkowski (Energoprojekt , Poland) – “Power conversion systems (‘steam only’ and ‘electricity+hot water’)”
  8. Michael Fuetterer (JRC-EC, Netherlands) – “HTGR and Industrial Cogeneration”
  9. Blazej Chmielarz (USNC, France) – “Techno-economic analysis of HTGRs in cogeneration”

Doctoral session speakers:

  1. Jakub Sierchula (NCBJ, Poland) – “Negative temperature coefficients of reactivity for metallic fuel Dual Fluid Reactor”
  2. Dominik Böhm (IFK, Germany) – “Decay heat estimation in the design of distillation columns for the separation of actinide and fission product chlorides”
  3. Mina Torabi (NCBJ, Poland) – “Failure mode and reliability analysis of HTTR Electrical Facility”
  4. Zuzanna Krajewska (NCBJ, Poland) – “TRISO coated particle representation by Raman spectroscopy method”
  5. Ewelina Kucal (NCBJ, Poland) – “Swift heavy ion irradiation of Silicon Carbide”
  6. Mikołaj Kowalski (Cambridge University, UK) – “Hybrid MG-CE Monte Carlo neutronic eigenvalue calculations”
  7. Nairi Baghdasaryan (NCBJ, Poland) – “Pressure buildup analysis of HTGR TRISO particles with UCO kernel”