Inauguration lecture (1st year):
Basic discoveries of Modern Physics leading to exploration of Nuclear Energy – prof. W. Gudowski (3h)
Lecture courses (30h each):
- Reactor physics of HTR-s – prof. J. Cetnar
- Fundamentals of reactor physics I – prof. W. Gudowski
- Fundamentals of reactor physics II – prof. W. Gudowski
- Multiphysics reactor analysis – prof. T. Kozłowski
- Critical assemblies for HTR reactors – prof. T. Kozłowski
- Basics of particle physics for nuclear engineering – prof. M. Dąbrowski
- Modelling of nuclear reactor physics by Monte Carlo Method – prof. J. Cetnar
- Physics of nuclear fission and fusion – concepts of new energy sources – prof. K. Czerski
- Physics of fast neutron reactors – prof. K. Czerski
- Coupled neutronics and thermalhydraulics for the safety analysis of new nuclear reactor concepts – prof. R. Macian-Juan
- Computational Fluid Dynamics – prof. S. Kubacki
- Numerical methods in high temperature nuclear engineering – Dr. S. Potempski
- Nuclear reactors – Dr. O. Dorosh
- Application of metaheuristics methods and machine learning models in the optimal design of nuclear and chemical facilities – Dr. A. Wawrzyńczak-Szaban
- Advanced statistical techniques and data mining for nuclear data – Dr. P. Kopka
- Protection of Intellectual property rights from the perspective of research and development units/centers – dr inż. M. Jezierska-Zięba, Mgr A. Przytuła