Information updated on the 20th April 2020
In view of the new regulations according to the Polish higher education law of 2019 the Doctoral Schools have been established. This results in changes of what is contained below as follows:
- §4, p. 1 and 2 of below. The process of admission is now split. First part of the admission process is the admission to the project which is composed of an interview part of the exam (p. 2) which says that “An interview part of the exam is performed in English. The interview result evaluates: 1) scientific score of a candidate; 2) participation in scientific projects; 3) earlier experience in high temperature reactors technology; 4) motivation to participate in highly advanced research. The interview part of an exam is marked in the scale 1-10.”
- §4, p. 1 and 2 of below. Second part of the admission process is the admission to the Graduate School of Physics and Chemistry of NCBJ/IChTJ which is described in the links here:
- §4, p. 3. Link ( and the rules presented there are no longer valid.
Additional regulations for doctoral studies at NCBJ
“New reactor concepts and safety analyses for the Polish Nuclear Energy Program”
– project POWR.03.02.00-00.I005/17-02
- Additional regulations apply only for the project POWR.03.02.00-00.I005/17-02 entitled “New reactor concepts and safety analyses for the Polish Nuclear Energy Program”, and is further called “New Reactor Concepts” (NRC).
- All the regulations for regular doctoral studies at NCBJ apply (zarz. 13/2015 Dyrektora NCBJ of 30.06.2015).
The Head of the NRC is the Project Head (PH). PH is helped by the Scientific Secretary of the Project (SSP). PH and SSP are nominated by the Director of NCBJ.
Admissions take place on the basis of a competitive examination conducted by a Project Recruitment Committee (PRC) where in addition to the members of recruitment committee for the regular studies, PH, SSP, minimum one of the tutors/supervisors listed in the project application, and one representative of auxiliary tutors/supervisors are admitted.
- The exam is composed of two stages:
I. A general exam which is the same as for the admission for the doctoral studies in NCBJ;
II. An interview which is only designed for the project admission. Part II of the general exam is appended with an extra set of topics – section D – containing topics in nuclear and reactor physics, which is obligatory to NRC candidates. - An interview part of the exam is performed in English. The interview result evaluates: 1) scientific score of a candidate; 2) participation in scientific projects; 3) earlier experience in high temperature reactors technology; 4) motivation to participate in highly advanced research. The interview part of an exam is marked in the scale 1-10.
- A detailed description of the examination requirements (general and project) is available at the NCBJ website
Admission to NRC studies is possible only if a student obtains grade A or B from the general part of the exam and scores at least 6 points from the interview part of the exam. Only successful candidates in both parts are admitted to NRC studies according to their position in the ranking list. PRC may prepare a reserve list of candidates, which may be used later.
Students’ scholarships consist of a general scholarship and a project scholarship. Project scholarships are available throughout 4 years only.
The students are obliged to attend 16 topical lecture courses designed exclusively for the project, 10 of which should be finished with exams according to NRC studies schedule. Each student should take one month internship in a renowned worldwide research institution arranged by the PH performing the research according to an individual plan. Students are also obliged to attend NRC project weekly seminars.
The students’ tutors and auxiliary tutors are nominated by the PH according to the rules of the project application with the approval of the NCBJ director. Students’ supervisors and auxiliary supervisors are nominated by the Scientific Council of NCBJ.
Each student works on the basis of an individual research plan of the tasks agreed with a tutor/supervisor, an auxiliary tutor/supervisor, and accepted by the PH.
- The Project Head (PH) nominates the Research Evaluation Committee (REC) which evaluates students’ research progress on the basis of Doctoral Studies Reports (DSRs). REC is composed of PH, SSP, and the two professors selected from the tutors/supervisors.
- Short DSRs should be presented by students for each 3-month period. Long DSRs should be presented for each 6-month period. The students also present 1-year DSR and 2-year DSR. All reports are evaluated by the REC.
- DSRs are evaluated systematically by the REC on a four-mark scale: very good, good, sufficient, insufficient. The main component of this evaluation is the fraction of a Ph.D. thesis prepared. A student cannot continue the studies after any of DSR is evaluated insufficient. It is the condition that after first 2-year evaluation each student has at least one publication at least 25 points in a journal from the list A of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).
Students are obliged to maintain their individual webpages on the main webpage of the project:
In matters not specified in these regulations the decisions are made by the PH in consultation with the Director of NCBJ. A student can appeal to the Scientific Council of NCBJ. Decisions taken have to be in agreement with the rules of the project which is financed by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR).