Hisham Elgendy

Home / Graduates / Hisham Elgendy

Date of defence: 2023-12-05

Curriculum Vitae

Building 39 (“Cyfronet”), room 161
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
ul. Andrzeja Sołtana 7
05-400 Otwock
(022) 273 14 58
(022) 273 16 87


PhD Topic: CFD modeling of two-fluid loops Dual Fluid Reactor (DFR) mini-demonstrator
Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Konrad Czerski (University of Szczecin & NCBJ, Poland)

The dual fluid reactor contains two separate fluid loops: one for the fuel and another for the coolant. The molten salt reactors use the same fuel for both and the appropriate test facilities have already been constructed including the reactors themselves. This is not the case for the DFR. Despite there exist molten metal cooled reactors and in particular – lead-cooled reactors – they were tested for cooling a solid fuel which is different. So far, no facility which would contain two different fluids in a reactor system has been constructed. The task of this project would be to work out the geometry and thermal hydraulics of a very simple CFD (computational Fluid Dynamics) DFR model – the Mini-Demonstrator – which would allow the flow of two neighboring tubes with molten (and depleted) uranium (or its eutectic) cooled by molten lead. The calculations should be performed for the fluid tubes which are made of carbides (SiC, ZrC etc.).

Seminars and conference talks:

  • International conference of “Hight Temperature Reactors Technology” October 2018, Warsaw Poland. (attendee).
  • The seminar titled “The effect of tripartite fuel on the heat transfer quality and reactor safety in the case of pressurized water reactor” NCBJ, April 2019 (Speaker).
  • 1st DFR International meeting, April 2019, Szczecin, Poland (Speaker).
  • Presentation skills improvement workshop, NCBJ, June 2019, Warsaw, Poland (attendee).
  • IDWG Workshop of “Nuclear Energy Beyond Electricity” September 2019, Warsaw, Poland (attendee).
  • 2nd DFR International meeting, Online, April 2020 (Speaker).
  • The seminar titled “Towards construction of Dual Fluid Reactor: CFD modeling of mini-demonstrator”
    NCBJ, May 2020 (Speaker)


  • Nuclear reactors – Dr. O. Dorosh
  • Fundamentals of reactor physics – prof. W. Gudowski
  • Numerical methods in high-temperature nuclear engineering – Dr. S. Potempski
  • Reactor physics of HTR-s – prof. J. Cetnar