Welcome to the PHD4GEN International High-Temperature Reactors Summer School which will take place on 1-5 June 2020 and will be online.
We will be using the online platform for the teleconferences GoToMeeting.
The task of the School is to present the current status of the Generation IV reactors under study of the program “New reactor concepts and safety analyses for the Polish Nuclear Energy Program” (POWR.03.02.00-00-I0005/17-00).
There will be talks from specific phd4gen project invited speakers who will present 2 h lectures each about the related topics. The School is mainly designed to the students of the above course but some external participants can also be admitted after consulting the Organising Committee.
The joint sessions of GEMINI+ (HTGR) and ALLEGRO (Allegro fast helium gas-cooled reactor) projects will also take place during the School. The detailed program of the joint meeting is now available.