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Kazimierz Dolny, Poland,12-15 September, 2022

Please, keep in mind that some of the lecture descriptions have been shortened in the timetable. The full names of each presentation can be found below the timetable.

L1: F. Roelofs “Thermal Hydraulics Simulations for Advanced Nuclear Reactors” (50+10)

L2: F. Roelofs “Thermal Hydraulics Simulations for Advanced Nuclear Reactors” (50+10)

L3: J. Krepel “Generation IV reactors: safety and fuel cycle performance” (50+10)

L4: H. Anglart “Mechanistic modelling of boiling two-phase flow in BWR fuel assemblies. Part I: Theory” (50+10)

L5: J. Krepel “Molten salt reactors: characterization and taxonomy” (40+5)

L6: H. Anglart “Mechanistic modelling of boiling two-phase flow in BWR fuel assemblies. Part II: applications” (40+5)

L7: A. Cammi “Multiphysics and order reduction, part 1” (40+5)

L8: A. Cammi “Multiphysics and order reduction, part 2” (40+5)

L9: S. Monti “Nuclear Power and Climate Change: the role of advanced nuclear energy systems” (50+10)

L10: S. Potempski “Risk analysis for advanced nuclear technologies”  (50+10)

L11: Z. Kozioł “Stress propagation in crystals: molecular dynamics simulations with examples.” (25+5)

Special talk: PhD at NCBJ (M. Dąbrowski) (25+5)

L12: : H. Ohashi  “High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor: reactor designs” (45+5)

L13: : G. Sunaryo “RDE design strategy and possible scale-up prospects in Indonesia”(45+5)

L14: D. Wisnubroto “Power reactor technology options for Indonesia to support the net zero emission target by 2060” (50+10)

Panel Final Discussion: “A successful nuclear project” (Panelists: K. Czerski, W. Gudowski (moderator), H. Ohashi, G.. Suranyo, D. Wisnubroto)

L – Lectures; TM – Tutors Meetings (student+supervisor+aux.supervisor); D – doctoral students’ presentations; Timing (50+10, 45+5) – lecture+questions; PCW – paper consultation workshop (in subgroups) .