Seminarium Zakładu Energetyki Jądrowej i Analiz Środowiska (UZ3)
Departament Badań Układów Złożonych (DUZ)
Wtorek: 15.10.2019
CYFRONET (bud. 39) – sala 172 (III piętro)
Nairi Baghdasaryan
Review of progress in TRISO fuel performance analysis
The 4th generation nuclear reactor concepts are focused on reaching a high level of fuel burnup, high coolant temperatures and high safety levels (including passive safety systems). One of the design concepts that fulfil these criteria is the HTGR reactor, which incorporates tristructural isotropic fuel particles (TRISO) for energy generation. Although development and qualification programs of TRISO fuel have been shown positive results for their future utilization, there are still remaining uncertain issues related to the modelling of TRISO fuel performance.
The main objective of the seminar is to provide a basic understanding of important phenomena in TRISO fuel performance analysis, review modelling capabilities over the past years and to point out open/challenging questions for future studies.
Serdecznie zapraszamy,
M. Dąbrowski, T. Kwiatkowski
The presentation is available here.